Race, Space, Place Social Science Experts in Space and Place: Race, Space, Place Heading link Copy link Dr. Kareem Rabie | Anthropology privatization, urban development, and the state-building project in the West Bank methods: urban ethnography Dr. Cindy Tekobbe | Communication the digital lives, identities, and activism practices of traditionally underserved and erased peoples and communities Dr. Ashley Muchow | Criminology, Law, Justice causes and consequences of social inequality and the role of policy in alleviating or aggravating these disparities Dr. Andy Clarno | Sociology racism, capitalism, colonialism, empire, policing, comparative racial formation, global and transnational sociology, urban sociology, political sociology Dr. Michael Emerson | Sociology race and religion, urban environments Dr. Jennifer Jones | Sociology race and ethnicity, immigration, political sociology, Latinx studies, Afro-Latinx studies, and Latin America and the Caribbean methods: case study research Dr. Maria Krysan | Sociology racial residential segregation, racial attitudes methods: survey methods, multi-methods; closed-ended survey analysis with mode of administration experiments, analyses of open-ended survey questions, focus groups, and in-depth interviews Dr. Rahim Kurwa | Sociology intersection of race, policing, and residential segregation Dr. Patrisia MacĂas-Rojas | Sociology race; migration and mobility; political sociology; borders; globalization; sociology of punishment; law and society; ethnography; comparative historical methods methods: comparative historical methods, archival and ethnographic research Dr. Atef Said | Sociology politics, revolutions, and social change, spatio-temporalities of revolution methods: ethnographic and historical data assessment Dr. Mahesh Somashekhar | Sociology how urban economic development and social inequality affect one another methods: methods from demography, econometrics, geography, and data science