The Human Psyche Social Science Experts in Health and Medicine: The Human Psyche Heading link Copy link Dr. Erin Berenz | Psychology maintenance of co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol use disorder methods: clinical laboratory methods and psychophysiological assessment Dr. Daniel Cervone | Psychology personality systems, personality in both basic research domains and in health-relevant applications methods: empirical research in both basic research domains and in health-relevant applications Dr. Ryne Estabrook | Psychology modeling of repeated multivariate measurement, including the modeling of mixtures of cross-sectional data methods: multivariate longitudinal methodology, open-source statistical software, and lifespan development Dr. Thomas Griffin | Psychology acquisition of knowledge, metacomprehension, intellectual development Dr. Ellen Herbener | Psychology abnormalities in emotional and social functioning in individuals with schizophrenia methods: affective neuroscience behavioral paradigms and functional imaging Dr. Eric Leshikar | Psychology cognitive neuroscience of aging; long-term memory formation Dr. Pauline Maki | Psychology sex steroid hormones on cognition, mood, brain function methods: neuroimaging, clinical research studies Dr. Robin Mermelstein | Psychology tobacco use, studies ranging from longitudinal examinations of the etiology of youth smoking to cessation methods: longitudinal examinations and cessation interventions Dr. Kara Morgan-Short | Psychology linguistic and cognitive processes underlying late-learned second language acquisition and use methods: linguistics, cognitive psychology and neuroscience, complementary behavioral and electrophysiological approaches Dr. John Pellegrino | Psychology children's and adult's thinking and learning and the implications of cognitive research Dr. Michael Ragozzino | Psychology neurobiology of learning and memory methods: neural systems approach to understanding the neurobiology of learning and memory Dr. Jamie Roitman | Psychology behavioral neuroscience Dr. Mitchell Roitman | Psychology neural basis of adaptive (feeding and drinking) and maladaptive (over-eating, drug-taking) motivated behavior methods: state-of-the-art recording techniques and virally-delivered construct for circuit manipulations with detailed behavioral analyses Dr. Amanda Roy | Psychology neighborhood and environmental factors on individual functioning Dr. Linda Skitka | Psychology consequences of moral convictions and the cognitive and motivational underpinnings of the left-right divide Dr. Tomas Staahl | Psychology decision-making procedures, self-regulatory states Dr. Margaret Wardle | Psychology interventions for addiction, emotional functioning that occur in addiction methods: basic human laboratory studies and clinical trials Dr. Jennifer Wiley | Psychology text comprehension, metacomprehension and problem solving Dr. David Wirtshafter| Psychology neural substrates of motivation, selection and activation of behavior methods: multlidisciplinary combination of behavioral, pharmacological, anatomical and gene expression approaches Dr. Kate Zinsser | Psychology community and prevention research, education and development methods: multi-method research in emotion-focused teaching Dr. Barbara Risman | Sociology gender inequality and families; feminist activism and public sociology Dr. Atef Said | Sociology politics, revolutions, and social change, spatio-temporalities of revolution methods: ethnographic and historical data assessment